Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Hour

Some days it is just a must to go to Happy Hour!! (Sonic that is)

Macey singing the 50 states alphabetically

Over the past few months I have been teaching Morgan the 50 states in alphabetical order. There were times when Macey would chime in and try to sing along with us but usually she butchered the states so bad it was hilarious. But, as Macey has always done, she excelled and mastered it! One day she started singing and didn't stop until the end. I was so shocked and proud of her. I could not believe she picked up on all of that. We have had a very challenging year so far with Macey. Everyday she challenges me in different ways. She is very strong willed and will fight for whatever she wants and usually does not stop until she gets it. So this really should be no surprise to me. Macey can do whatever she puts her mind to. I love you Macey!


Kindergarten has come to an end. Tomorrow will be Morgan's last day of school. I cannot believe how fast it has flown by. It brings so many mixed emotions. What a great year she had and I could not be more proud of her! Thank you Morgan for being the wonderful little girl that you are. Mrs. Whitesell was wonderful
Morgan's character award this year was Thankfulness.

Off to 1st grade!!!

May birthdays!

Wow, this has been a crazy month. I celebrated my 25th birthday this month and cannot believe how boring it was. Is'nt that so sad?? At one point during the day I seriously thought about loading the girls up and heading to Chuckie Cheese to eat pizza and play games !!!

I have a handful of friends that get together every Wed. and we eat lunch and hang out while the kids play and 3 of us have May birthdays so we decided it was a "GNO" must this month. We went to Las Casas and had dinner and went to the movies and watched 17 again. It was GREAT! I am so thankful to have such great friends! Happy Birthday to Us!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Morgan's t-ball

We are in full swing with t-ball this season. Justin is coaching the team again this year and although he loves it, the scramble to go to practices and games after work gets crazy. Morgan is playing third base this year and we are so proud of her. She has come so far from last year. It's amazing what a year will do. Having Macey and Madison running around the fields this year has been very challenging so far. We started the first game off leaving early because Madison had a major blowout in her diaper and did not have another change of clothes and Macey was running everywhere....I am praying that it will get better. Last night was ok, little stressful at first then got alot better as the game went on.
Here is Madison sitting in a big girl chair...she was so proud of herself climbing up in it and sitting down all by herself.


For the past few Wedensdays we have been getting together with a few freinds letting our kids play and eat lunch. I have enjoyed it so much. I am blessed to have good friends and great fellowship. This past Wed. one of the ladies Sara treated us to a wonderful lunch at her parents guest home in Davilla. It was so relaxing and the kids had a blast. Here is a precious picture of the kids while they enjoyed a popcicle.

Monday, April 13, 2009


This is my first picture with all three girls in the tub together.

She is a Daddy's girl

The girls had a great time hunting eggs!

We went to my Aunt and Uncles house for lunch and they had baby goats that were just born. The mother did not make it, so they were having to bottle feed them. My Uncle took the girls out and let them feed them their bottle. It was the cutest thing.

Madison was scared to death of the Easter Bunny this year. I felt bad but......I had to get my picture.

We had a wonderful Easter this year!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sea World

I really do think that we are crazy. After 12 hours in the car driving home from NM and getting home late Wed. night. We woke up Thursday and had a great idea to end our Spring Break week with a trip to Sea World! What were we thinking???? Friday morning we woke up and got back in the car and off to Sea World. It was packed....and packed....and packed. Not a good idea to go during spring break, but we did and survived it. Morgan got to feed the dolphins again and we took a family pic holding a HUGE python snake.. So glad that we have season passes....we will be going again when it's not so crowded.

Spring Break!

WoW! Spring Break flew by this year. We went to Red River, NM to Justin's parents house and enjoyed a few days of skiing, riding snowmobiles, shopping, eating, and just relaxing. This was Morgans first year to attempt skiing and lets just say she did GREAT! Loved every minute of it. Justin and I were so proud of her and cannot wait to go back in Jan.
Macey enjoyed walking around outside in the snow with her snow boots and loved to eat the snow.
We took my grandmother with us to help with Madison while we skiied and I think she had a good time evan though she didnt do much. We took her up to the ski slopes to let her play and watch Morgan ski and she loved it!
Although, we drove 12 hours to get there and back with three kids...... it was well worth it and we had a great time!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A day at the Zoo!

Madison loved the slide!

Yesterday the girls, my sister and another friend all loaded up the kids and headed to the Cameron Park Zoo! The weather was perfect and for the first time all of the animals were up and walking around. All the kids were great and we had a wonderful time.

Macey feeding the fish