Friday, March 27, 2009

Sea World

I really do think that we are crazy. After 12 hours in the car driving home from NM and getting home late Wed. night. We woke up Thursday and had a great idea to end our Spring Break week with a trip to Sea World! What were we thinking???? Friday morning we woke up and got back in the car and off to Sea World. It was packed....and packed....and packed. Not a good idea to go during spring break, but we did and survived it. Morgan got to feed the dolphins again and we took a family pic holding a HUGE python snake.. So glad that we have season passes....we will be going again when it's not so crowded.

Spring Break!

WoW! Spring Break flew by this year. We went to Red River, NM to Justin's parents house and enjoyed a few days of skiing, riding snowmobiles, shopping, eating, and just relaxing. This was Morgans first year to attempt skiing and lets just say she did GREAT! Loved every minute of it. Justin and I were so proud of her and cannot wait to go back in Jan.
Macey enjoyed walking around outside in the snow with her snow boots and loved to eat the snow.
We took my grandmother with us to help with Madison while we skiied and I think she had a good time evan though she didnt do much. We took her up to the ski slopes to let her play and watch Morgan ski and she loved it!
Although, we drove 12 hours to get there and back with three kids...... it was well worth it and we had a great time!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A day at the Zoo!

Madison loved the slide!

Yesterday the girls, my sister and another friend all loaded up the kids and headed to the Cameron Park Zoo! The weather was perfect and for the first time all of the animals were up and walking around. All the kids were great and we had a wonderful time.

Macey feeding the fish